SAP MDG Data Modelling
Data model is to define the structure of the
data storage.
During Master data processing, a change
request is used to store the data which is in process of changing in staging
The data model can define reuse area that is
used for data storage after completion of change request.
In this case the system moves the data from
staging area to a storage location using access class of the reuse area. This
storage location is called active area.
In case no reuse area is defined, the same database
table which is used for staging area, are also used to store active data.
Then no access class is involved, the system
does not move the data to other system or any other table then MDG generated
tables which is used as active area.
In simple term, Data Model is same like we define Entity Relationship Diagram on Paper. We Just define the structure of how data will get stored and what relationship they maintained with each other.
Area of Data Modelling
There are two area’s in Data Modelling of MDG.
Staging Area
Staging area will store the Data which is in
under governance process.
Data which is still is not active state.
Which is in under change request process.
Temporarily store the data before activation
of Change Request.
Active Area
Active area holds the permanent data which is
activated under Change Request.
- After all approval process and Completion of Workflow for CR the data get activated and it stored in this area.
Modes of Data
There are two modes of Data Modelling
Flex Mode
In flex mode, after activation of data, it
will get stored into MDG generated tables only.
USMD_ACTIVE = 1, which consider as active data
and USMD_ACTIVE = 0 is consider as Inactive data.
Both data stores in same MDG Generated tables.
Reuse Mode
In Reuse mode, we define Reuse area.
- After activation of CR, the data get stores into permanent ERP tables like MARA, LFA1..
Data model consist of Entity, Attributes and Relationships which enable to model master data structure of any complexity in the system.
Collection of Entity which are logically
The system used data model to generate
database tables depends on the structure of data model.
Entity Types
Entity is collection of attributes which are
logically related.
The set of attributes of Business Object
within a Data Model.
For Example, Vendor would have entity type for
General Data, Company Code data, Purchase Order data or any other entity types.
It represents the type of master data within a
Data model.
For each Entity type, we need to specify
storage and uses type which define the properties of Entity Types in details.
You use the validity
of entity field to specify for an entity type whether the
validity of master data changes is restricted to editions.
Storage and Use Types
Specify whether and how Master data can be
changed in MDG.
Indicates which database table generated by
There are four Storage/Uses Types
Type1: Changeable via Change Request;
Generated database tables
Type2: Changeable w/o Change Request;
Generated Check/Text Tables
Type3: Not Changeable via MDG; No Generated
Type4: Changeable via Other Entity Type;
Generated Database Tables
Type 1: Changeable via Change Request; Generated database tables
The Master Data of this storage can be changed
in MDG using Change Request.
System generate all necessary database tables.
We can only create change request for entity
type of this SU type.
The key fields for this type of Entity is:
The Entity type itself
The edition if the entity type is edition
The entity types which are assigned to this
Entity type through Leading Relationship.
Assigning Data Element to this SU Type is
Option. However, if the Data element is assigned and it consist value table
then that value will get ignored and the values in generated database tables
are independent of the value in check table or value table.
In this, we can assign simple attributes or
can assign other entity types using relationship.
Type 2: Changeable w/o Change Request; Generated Check/Text
Master data can be changed without change
System generate only text or check tables.
Mandatory assignment of data element.
The Value help assigned in data element is
The values in generated database tables is
independent from the value table assigned to its domain.
In this, we cannot assign any attributes.
Key field will be Entity Type Itself and
Entity Types related through Leading Relationship.
We cannot use this in following relationships.
In Referencing Relationship type, we cannot
use this in To-Entity.
In Leading Relation with an entity type that
has SU type 4 as To-Entity, we cannot use this SU Type as From-Entity.
Here, we can create check value entries using
File Upload.
This check table will only will be generate in
MDG layer (Staging table) not in S4HANA Active area.
Type 3: Not Changeable via MDG; No Generated Tables
Master Data for this Entity types cannot be
changed through MDG.
MDG doesn’t generate any table for this.
Mandatory assignment of Data Element.
System derives the available values from
Domain of that Data Element as a Value table values or Domain fixed values.
In this, we cannot assign attributes.
No Key fields as not tables will generate.
We cannot use this in following relationships.
In Referencing Relationship type, we cannot
use this in To-Entity.
- In Leading Relation with an entity type that has SU type 4 as To-Entity, we cannot use this SU Type as From-Entity.
Type 4: Changeable
via Other Entity Type; Generated Database Tables
Master data can be changed in MDG only with a
change request of an entity type of SU Type 1.
This entity type needs to be in a relationship
with relationship type Leading and
assigned as To-Entity with SU Type 1.
Type |
Entity |
Entity |
Type 1 |
Type 4 |
MDG Generate Tables for this.
If we enable edition, then edition number is
the key field of the table.
We can assign simple attributes or assign
other entity type using relationship.
We cannot assign Data Element to this SU Type.
If no Data Element is assigned to an entity
type, you must use this entity type as a To-entity type in at least one
relationship with the type Leading or Qualifying.
By assigning of Type of Key assignment, you
specify for new entities created for an entity type whether the processors are
to specify the key or whether this is to be assigned internally by system. We
can also define that whether processors are permitted to later change these
keys or not.
In MDG we can only maintain Change Request for
SU Type 1 and SU Type 4.
Types of Key Assignment:
- Key
Cannot Be Changed; No Internal Key Assignment
need to enter the complete key when creating an entity. It cannot be changed at
a later date.
- Internal
Key Assignment Only
you activate the change request (that is being used to create the entity), the
system automatically assigns the key for the entity. Prior to the activation of
the change request, the system creates a temporary key you can use to reference
this entity within the change request. You cannot change the key.
- Key
Can Be Changed; No Internal Key Assignment
need to explicitly define the key of an entity you are creating. However, you
can change it as long as the change request (in which the entity is being
created) has not been activated. Once the change request is activated, you can
no longer change the key.
- Key
Can Be Changed; Internal Key Assignment Possible
option is a combination of the two preceding options. Either the system can
automatically assign the key of a new entity or a processor of the change
request (in which the entity is being created) can create or delete the key.
- If a
processor defines or changes the key, the system does not automatically
derive the key when the change request is activated.
- If no processor explicitly defines or changes the key, the system automatically derives the key when the change request is activated. In this case, the automatically derived temporary key is used as the ID of the entity until the change request is activated.
· In 2nd Option, Customization of activity Define
Prefixes for Internal Key Assignment is optional.
· In 4th
Option, Customization of above activity is mandatory.
· To map the
structure of our master data management in the data model, we define relationship
between individual entity types.
· The
relationship types determine whether one entity type is at higher level then
another entity type or whether it is to be copied as an attribute of other
entity type in the check table.
From Entity
Specify the entity type to be use as starting
point of a relationship.
To Entity
Specifies the
entity type to be used as the target of a relationship.
- It defines technical name of a relationship between two entity types.
Types of Relationships:
· Referencing
Form Entity Type will be attribute in To
Entity Type.
That will be non-key field.
Cardinality 0: N are permitted.
Data Element can specify. However, this data
element must have the same technical properties as the data element assigned to
from-entity type.
· Foreign
Key Relationship
Certain attributes or key fields of the
to-entity type use the from-entity type as foreign key.
Need to assign relevant fields in view Fields of Foreign Key Relationship, so
that all the key fields of from-entity type of a relationship are assigned.
Cardinality 1: N is permitted.
· Leading
From-Entity Type is at higher level than To-Entity
From-Entity Type is added as a key field to
To-Entity Type along with all assigned entity types with SU Type 4.
The Form-Entity Type which is in Leading
relationship with To-Entity Type with SU Type 4, is the respective entity type
which we can process the master data of the To-Entity Type with Change Request.
Cannot Specify Data Element.
Cardinality 1: N is permitted.
Cardinality 1: 1/1: 0 is also permitted if:
To-Entity Type has SU Type 1, no data element
and no additional Leading Relationships.
To-Entity Type has SU Type 4 and no addition
Qualifying Relationships.
· Qualifying
Only use when From-Entity Type has SU Type 4.
Use to define additional key field in table.
System by default, transfer only key fields of
the from-entity from the leading relationship.
Cardinality 1: N is permitted.
Cannot define Data Element.
Note: When you maintain Leading Relationship with type SU1 and SU4
type with 1: 1 cardinality, then there is no need to maintain qualifying
Define Entity Type to Be Used by Business Object Type
Business object type 899 is
assigned to the entity type COA in both data model 0F and in data model 0G.
However, during the replication of business object type 899, it must be clear
for which entity type the data is to be replicated. Therefore, you specify here
that the entity type COA from data model 0G is to be used for business object
type 899.
Prefixes for Internal Key Assignment
In this Customizing activity you can define
the prefixes of the temporary keys for entity types that support internal key
The system uses temporary keys for new
entities until you activate those entities (or the change request).
If you use the setting Internal
Key Assignment Only but do not define a prefix, the system
uses the prefix $ by
Authorization Relevance per Entity Type
We can configure the authorization setting in
There are two option in this. Either we can
use MDG general authorization or Predefined Reuse Active Area Authorizations.
By default, MDG framework will use System
Predefined Active area authorizations.
For MDG general authorizations we have object ‘USMD_MDAT’.
For BP and MM, standard ERP authorization
checks will be performed. Additional setting in this customizing activity is
not supported.
Generate Data
Model-Specific Structures
Here we can find the various technical
structure for our data model entities, which is use in various different
Following are the structure which is there in
system for various operations
Structures for PDF-based forms
=>In MDG before versions, there were option to
create master data using PDF forms. In that functionality, this structure was
Structures for the Service Mapping Tool (SMT)
=>This structure is used in Enterprise services.
Which will help in moving data from active area to staging and vice versa.
Structures for mapping between
the staging area and the reuse active area
=>This structure will be use to map
fields between staging area and active area.
· Structures
for use in the Data Replication Framework (DRF)
structure is used for Replication of data
=>We can assign this structure in Data
Replication -> Enhance
Default Settings for Outbound Implementations -> Define
Business Objects and Object Identifiers -> Assign Key Structures to Object Identifiers.
· Structures
for Enterprise
=>This structure used in Enterprise
search which is obsolete now.
=>Now a days we use HANA search
Structures for Field Control of Attributes
=>This structure will help in
setting UI field properties like Mandatory, Read only, Hidden.
· Structures
for Field Properties of Attributes and Key Fields
· Structures
for Key Fields
· Structures
for Hierarchy Attributes
· Structures
for Data Extraction
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